I.D. No. : 136210073
Certificate to be given by Chartered Accountant
I/We have audited the account of RAYS OF JOY CHARITABLE SOCIETY, SHARONSTHAN VILLAGE KAHARI, SHAMSHABAD ROAD, AGRA-282001 (name of association and its full address including State, District and Pin Code, if registered society, its registration number and State of registration), for the financial year ending the 31st March 2016 and examined all relevant books and vouchers and certify that according to the audited account:
- The brought forward foreign contribution at the beginning of the financial year was
- Foreign contribution of / worth Rs. 17843548.32 was received by the Association during the financial year 2015-16;
- Interest accrued on foreign contribution and other income derived from foreign contribution or interest thereon of/worth Rs. 59298.00 was received by the Association during the financial year 2015-16;
- The balance of unutilised foreign contribution with the Association at the end of the financial year 2015-16 was Rs. 2234081.58;
- Certified that the Association has maintained the accounts of foreign contribution and records relating thereto in the manner specified in section 19 of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (42 of 2010) read with rule 17 of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2011.
- The information in this certificate and in the enclosed Balance Sheet and statement of Receipt and Payment is correct as checked by me/us.
- The association has utilized the foreign contribution received for the purpose(s) it is registered/ granted prior permission under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010
Signature of Chartered Accountant
(Seal, Address and Registration Number)
Chartered Accountants,
Firm Registration No. 001031C
(P. N. Agarwal)
Chartered Accountant
Membership No. 006167
Place: Agra E-141, Kamla Nagar,
Dated: 20-07-2016 Agra – 282005